RG Insights News - February 2013

February 13, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Welcome to this edition of our blog here at RG Insights Photography.  As a professional photography studio, we always are looking for ways to offer you, our client, the highest quality of services at the most affordable of prices!  One of these services is this blog, where we will keep you updated about important changes and offerings here.   It is also important to keep up with us on facebook, and twitter as we do make announcements there from time to time.

I would like to take a moment to let everyone know of a new website feature, and a new service offering.

New Website Feature!

There is now a booking calendar feature that is available!  You can now see available days and times directly online!  Studio time for in-studio work uses a different schedule, and I hope to be able to integrate them both soon (they use different systems), so will be working on that as a continued enhancement.   This means that I may be available to shoot, but the studio itself may be busy, so I need to still coordinate on a shoot with you if you want in-studio photography done.  On-location shooting is always available at open time slots.  To book your shoot, simply call (314) 368-8258, or email me at [email protected], and your shoot will be booked and reserved.

New Service Offering!

RG Insights Photography now offers data recovery from your camera's CF/SD cards!  If you accidentally reformat a card, or delete an image off it, and need to get it back, we can help!  So long as you don't shoot additional images on the card after you make your mistaken deletion or format, most often things are still able to be saved!  Images are recovered and provided to you on a DVD or can be put on a memory stick for you.

Pricing for this data recovery service, and all my other services are soon to also be put online shortly!

Classes Coming Soon!

And finally, yes, classes are still in the works, and are going to be offered at times that will be convenient for just about any schedule.  Class sizes will remain small to provide more personalized attention, and multiple sessions of a given class offered to help accommodate both volume, and schedule flexibility!  These will be announced here soon!

More New products!

Yes, we continually strive to offer as many quality products as possible!  So, if you have an iPhone 4, 4S, or 5, or iPad, you can now get any of the images taken of you, your family, company, or any of our other images put on those phone cases or pad folios!  We are also upgrading greeting cards with new options and quality, so, while you can still get the one we have been offering for a while, you can now get full folding style cards with envelopes with your desired image, and customized text!  We have also added more postage stamp options, ceramic coasters, glassware, and other great products to our line!

Improvements In The Shopping Cart Experience!

We have made the flow in the shopping cart system for product selection with images, and configuration options for things like frames with an image, easier and, hopefully, more intuitive.   We have also streamlined the checkout for easier use.  We hope you find these changes to be an enhancement to you enjoy.

We Are Now On Angie's List!

We always welcome feedback, and believe very strongly that providing the highest quality, most responsive service to you, our client, is the very essence of what we are about.  Your feedback helps us achieve our goal of total customer satisfaction, and helps others know about the service you received, and hopefully to enable them to make that choice to use us for their photography needs as well.

We also hope that if you are happy with your LivingSocial, Groupon, Sweet Jack, Morgan's Deals, or other online service package purchase, you will provide feedback for others on those services so they can know of your experience as well.  Of course, regardless of if you purchased a package on a special run on any of those, or other sources, or just booked directly at our always great prices, you can provide feedback for others on Angie's List!  To review us there, simply click this link;

Review us on Angie's List

You will also find this link on our menu, and in our signature block on emails from us.  Thank you in advance for taking your time to help both us, and others, make wise choices on selecting a photographer!

Currently Showing!

Yes, if you want to see some of our photography in-person, you may view some at the Maryland Heights Government Center, 11911 Dorset Rd., Maryland Heights, MO 63043 in the lobby thru the first week in March!   We hope you have the chance to stop by and view it during lobby hours there.  Any of the images you see there are available for purchase by contacting me.  You will also find our service brochure and business cards there in the lobby as well.

What is next?

We will be updating you with any new news about our product and service offerings, and more information should be ready soon regarding the class offerings!

Thank you for your taking the time to read this news blog from us!   As always, we welcome your questions, comments, and, naturally, your business!


Robert Greenfield




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